ShareType (Enums)
Last changed: -

Defines the values of the Type field for the SHARE_INFO_2 struct

C# Definition:

  /// <summary>Type of share</summary>
  public enum ShareType {
    /// <summary>Disk share</summary>
    Disk = 0,
    /// <summary>Printer share</summary>
    Printer = 1,
    /// <summary>Device share</summary>
    Device = 2,
    /// <summary>IPC share</summary>
    IPC = 3,
    /// <summary>Special share</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// 2147483648 - Disk drive (Administrative share)
    /// 2147483649 - Print queue (Administrative share)
    /// 2147483650 - Device (Administrative share)
    /// 2147483651 - IPC (Administrative share)
    /// </remarks>
    Special = -2147483648, // 0x80000000,


VB Definition:

  #Region "SHARE_TYPE Enumeration Definition"
    ' <summary>Type of share</summary>
    Public Enum ShareType
      ' <summary>Disk Share</summary>
      Disk = 0
      ' <summary>Printer Share</summary>
      Printer = 1
      ' <summary>Device Share</summary>
      Device = 2
      ' <summary>IPC Share</summary>
      IPC = 3
      ' <summary>Special Share</summary>
      ' <remarks>
      ' Add this value to one of the above values
      ' to get an Administrative Share of that type
      ' </remarks>
      Special = &H80000000
    End Enum
  #End Region


